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Administrative Council approves J&K Startup Policy 2024-27



J&K Startup Policy

BK News

JAMMU: The Administrative Council (AC) which met here under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Governor, Manoj  Sinha, Thursdat approved  J&K  Startup Policy  2024-27  in supersession to the Startup Policy notified in the year 2018.

The policy has the objective of setting up 2000 new startups in Jammu & Kashmir in the next 5 years, according to an official statement.

Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor; Atal Dulloo, Chief Secretary; Mandeep Kumar Bhandari, Principal Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor attended the meeting.

The Government of Jammu &Kashmir will set up a Venture Capital Fund of Rs 250 Crores and will infuse maximum of Rs. 25 Crores as an initial fund to this venture capital fund.

The venture capital fund so created shall invest primarily in recognized start-ups of Jammu & Kashmir. The Department shall work out detailed modalities for the creation of venture funds and its usage in consultation with the Finance Department.

The department may also work out a mechanism to facilitate the allotment of land to startups having good potential for growth. There is also a provision of one-time assistance as  Seed Funding up to Rs.20 lakhs, in 4 equal instalments,  to be provided to startups recognized by JKEDI  which is a nodal agency for startups. For seed funding, there is the capping of  25 startups per year which is a decision based upon available budget and desire to support a manageable number of start-ups effectively.

The Government is committed to establishing 2000 startups in three years but by providing seed funding to a smaller number of carefully selected start-ups,  the Government can prioritize quantity over quality for long-term economic growth. This will also ensure that the resources are utilized efficiently. The budgetary support for the implementation of the Startup Policy for a period of three years will be Rs.  39.60 Crores.

To nurture and inspire the entrepreneurial talent of J&K by creating a vibrant and robust start-up eco-system in the UT. The Government felt that there is a need to re-furbish the existing start-up policy issued in the year 2018 and bring a new policy suited to meet model challenges in this sector in the UT of J&K.

The feedback received from various stakeholder consultations by the Industries and Commerce Department, the need was felt to strengthen the incubation and acceleration eco-system for startups which has been addressed in the current policy.

 The implementation of this scheme in UT shall be monitored by a High Powered Committee headed by the Chief Secretary and implemented by a  Task Force Committee headed by the Administrative Secretary, Industries & Commerce.

The policy provides for providing entrepreneurship facilities to students, and women and support to the entrepreneurs through Government/ Private/ High Net worth individuals for setting up of startups.

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Vegetable Science: A Potential Area for Startups in J&K



Vegetable Science

Dr Asima Amin     Dr Baseerat Afroza      Naveed Hamid

In a world grappling with the challenges of population growth, environmental sustainability, and a shifting focus towards healthier lifestyles, the potential of vegetable science in startups emerges as a beacon of transformative innovation. The intersection of agriculture, technology, and health has given rise to a myriad of opportunities for entrepreneurs to revolutionize the way we cultivate, consume, and benefit from vegetables.

As global consciousness veers towards sustainable practices and healthier food choices, startups delving into vegetable science are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our food systems. This introduction seeks to explore the diverse avenues where startups can harness the power of vegetable science to address pressing issues such as food security, nutritional health, and environmental impact.

From leveraging cutting-edge technologies in agriculture to developing novel plant-based food products, the potential applications of vegetable science are vast and impactful. This exploration encompasses not only the traditional aspects of farming and crop management but also delves into the realms of biotechnology, food technology and sustainable business practices.

We will delve into specific domains where startups can thrive, exploring how innovation in vegetable science can drive change in agribusiness, food technology, health and wellness, sustainability, and more. The goal is to unveil the untapped potential that lies within the realm of vegetable science, inspiring entrepreneurs, investors, and stakeholders to contribute to a more sustainable, nutritious, and equitable future.

As we embark on this journey through the fertile landscape of vegetable science in startups, envision a world where the humble vegetable becomes a catalyst for transformative change, not only in our diets but in the very fabric of how we approach agriculture, technology, and the well-being of our planet.


Vegetable science can play a significant role in startups across various sectors, ranging from agriculture and food technology to health and sustainability. Here are some potential areas where vegetable science can contribute to startup innovations:

  1. Ag-Tech Startups:

    • Precision Farming: Utilize technology, sensors and data analytics to optimize vegetable cultivation, ensuring efficient resource use and higher yields.
    • Vertical Farming: Develop indoor farming solutions using controlled environments, allowing year-round vegetable production in urban areas.
    • Biotechnology: Explore genetic modification and breeding techniques to enhance the nutritional content, disease resistance,and overall quality of vegetables.
  2. Food Technology:

    • Plant-Based Alternatives: Create innovative plant-based products using vegetables to meet the growing demand for vegetarian and vegan options.
    • Food Preservation: Develop technologies for extending the shelf life of vegetables, reducing food waste, and ensuring freshness during transportation.
    • Nutritional Enhancement: Explore methods to fortify vegetables with additional nutrients to address specific health concerns.
  3. Health and Wellness:

    • Functional Foods: Develop vegetable-based products with specific health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant or immune-boosting properties.
    • Nutraceuticals: Investigate the medicinal properties of vegetables and create supplements or health products based on their natural compounds.
  4. Sustainability:

    • Circular Economy: Implement sustainable practices in vegetable production, such as recycling agricultural waste, utilizing organic fertilizers, and adopting eco-friendly packaging.
    • Zero-Waste Solutions: Develop technologies to utilize every part of vegetables, minimizing waste and creating by-products for various applications.
  5. Smart Farming and IoT:

    • Smart Sensors: Integrate sensors to monitor soil conditions, water levels, and plant health, allowing farmers to make data-driven decisions for optimized crop management.
    • IoT in Supply Chain: Implement IoT technologies to track and monitor vegetables throughout the supply chain, ensuring quality, reducing losses, and enhancing traceability.
  6. Education and Consulting:

    • Agribusiness Consulting: Startups can provide consultancy services to farmers on adopting modern vegetable cultivation techniques, sustainable practices, and technology integration.
    • Educational Platforms: Develop online platforms to educate farmers, entrepreneurs, and consumers about the latest advancements in vegetable science, sustainable agriculture, and healthy eating.
  7. Community and Social Impact:

    • Community Gardens: Startups can facilitate community-based vegetable gardens, promoting local produce, community engagement, and sustainable agriculture practices.
    • Social Enterprises: Combine vegetable science with social impact by addressing issues like food insecurity, promoting fair trade, and supporting local farmers.


The potential of vegetable science in startups offers a range of benefits that extend beyond economic success. These ventures can positively impact various sectors and address pressing global challenges. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Sustainable Agriculture:

    • Resource Efficiency: Startups can develop technologies and practices that optimize resource use, such as water, fertilizers, and land, contributing to sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.
    • Reduced Environmental Impact: By promoting organic farming, minimizing chemical pesticide use, and adopting eco-friendly practices, vegetable science startups can contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture.
  2. Innovation in Crop Management:

    • Increased Yields: Precision farming technologies and genetic modifications can lead to higher crop yields, addressing the growing demand for food in a world with an expanding population.
    • Disease Resistance: Genetic modifications can enhance the resistance of vegetables to pests and diseases, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and promoting healthier crops.
  3. Health and Nutrition:

    • Improved Nutritional Content: Biotechnological advancements can be harnessed to enhance the nutritional content of vegetables, providing consumers with healthier and more nutrient-rich food options.
    • Functional Foods: Startups focusing on functional foods can contribute to improved public health by developing vegetable-based products with specific health benefits.
  4. Economic Opportunities:

    • Job Creation: The growth of vegetable science startups can lead to job creation across various sectors, including agriculture, technology, research, and product development.
    • Market Expansion: Innovations in vegetable-based products can open up new markets and cater to the increasing demand for sustainable and plant-based alternatives.
  5. Food Security and Accessibility:

    • Year-Round Production: Vertical farming and controlled environment agriculture enable year-round vegetable production, reducing dependence on seasonal harvests and improving food security.
    • Localized Farming: Community-based initiatives and startups focused on local farming contribute to localized food production, reducing the need for extensive transportation and storage.
  6. Technological Advancements:

    • Smart Farming: Integration of technology in agriculture, such as smart sensors and IoT devices, leads to more efficient and data-driven farming practices, improving overall productivity.
    • Traceability and Transparency: Technologies for supply chain traceability enhance transparency in the food production process, building consumer trust and meeting the demand for ethically sourced products.
  7. Community Engagement and Social Impact:

    • Community Empowerment: Initiatives like community gardens and social enterprises create opportunities for community engagement, fostering a sense of empowerment and ownership among local populations.
    • Addressing Food Insecurity: Socially focused startups can play a role in addressing food insecurity by promoting sustainable and affordable vegetable production methods.
  8. Education and Awareness:

    • Knowledge Dissemination: Educational platforms and consulting services contribute to disseminating knowledge about sustainable agriculture practices, technology adoption, and healthy eating habits.
    • Empowering Farmers: Agribusiness consulting services empower farmers with the knowledge and tools to adopt modern practices, improving their livelihoods and the sustainability of their operations.


The potential of vegetable science in startups holds tremendous promise and presents exciting opportunities for innovation, sustainability, and societal impact. As the world grapples with challenges such as food security, environmental sustainability, and public health, leveraging the power of vegetable science can pave the way for transformative solutions.

Startups focusing on vegetable science can contribute significantly to agricultural advancements by developing resilient and high-yielding vegetable varieties through breeding techniques, genetic engineering and precision agriculture. This not only addresses global food demand but also aids in the conservation of resources, reduction of environmental impact, and mitigation of climate change.

Furthermore, the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and data analytics, into vegetable science can enhance crop monitoring, optimize resource utilization, and streamline supply chain processes. This not only increases efficiency but also opens new avenues for automation and smart farming practices.

The nutritional value of vegetables also plays a crucial role in promoting public health and wellness. Startups can explore innovative approaches to enhance the nutritional content of vegetables, develop functional foods, or create new plant-based products to meet the growing demand for healthy and sustainable diets.

Moreover, the rise of alternative protein sources, including plant-based proteins derived from vegetables, presents a unique opportunity for startups to contribute to the burgeoning market of sustainable protein options. By developing novel processing techniques and improving the taste and texture of plant-based products, these startups can cater to the increasing consumer preference for environmentally friendly and ethical food choices.

In Nutshell, the convergence of vegetable science, technology, and entrepreneurship holds the potential to revolutionize the agriculture and food industry. Startups that embrace this intersection can not only drive economic growth but also make significant contributions to addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing our planet. As the world continues to recognize the importance of sustainable and nutritious food systems, vegetable science startups stand at the forefront of creating a more resilient, efficient, and healthier future for all.

SKUAST K under the ambit of SKUAST K Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship Centre is always ready to support new young minds or budding entrepreneurs who wish to start their enterprises or have some novel or great ideas to take it forward to convert them into minimum viable products or technologies in vegetable science field can come and take advantage of this Centre situated in SKUAST K main campus Shalimar.

The authors are faculty at SKUAST-K


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Exploring untapped opportunities of Agri-tech startups in Jammu and Kashmir



Agri-tech startups

Jasir Haqani

Agri-tech startups have a crucial and emerging role in the development of the agriculture sector. They can be used to incorporate various technological developments like data analytics and IoT to improve crop yield, reduce wastage and streamline the agricultural supply chain.

In the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, agriculture has a leading and important role in the development and improvement of the economy of the region. Approximately, 70% of the population of the UT is directly or indirectly dependent on this sector. The region with this rich agricultural heritage is primarily dependent on traditional agricultural practices. Yet, the region faces several challenges, including limited access to modern farming techniques and a lack of infrastructure and resources to boost productivity. Irrespective of these hurdles there is a good untapped potential in the Agri-tech startups to flourish. Agri-tech startups have the potential to address these challenges and transform the agricultural landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. They can bring innovative solutions leveraging technology, data analytics, and modern farming techniques. Some of the untapped opportunities they can explore in the region are:

  1. Precision Framing: Agri-tech startups can introduce modern techniques like drone technology, satellite imagery, IoT IoT-based devices to improve and monitor soil health, crop quality and yield, and reduce resource wastage. Various technologies that can be used are:
  • GPS and GIS technologies will help farmers create detailed maps of their field including positioning of the equipment, soil types, nutrient levels and other relevant spatial information.
  • Remote Sensing, sensors, telematics and IoT including technologies like drones, satellites, moisture and crop health sensors provide real-time data like crop health, crop status, environmental and overall field conditions, and remote access to machinery.
  • Variable Rate Technology (VRT) systems can be used to enable farmers to adjust application rates of fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation.
  • Several other new aged technologies including blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning modules and algorithms can help in upskilling the agricultural sector in the region.
  1. Smart Market Linkages: Development and designing of smart and intelligent platforms and supply chains, that can connect farmers directly to the market without any intermediaries can help boost farmer incomes and reduce post-harvest losses. Although, many Agri-tech platforms like Kisan Mandi and the government-led initiative of Kisan Suvidha are available to connect farmers to the market, but have not catered for much of the usage among the farmers of the UT.
  2. Educational Initiatives: Agri-tech startups can also develop applications and platforms that can make farmers aware of the new technologies and practices to promote technological advancement and upskilling of farmers in the region.

There is a compelling need to tap into these underutilized Agri-tech startups for several reasons. Seizing these prospects within Agri-tech startups holds the potential to bring about a substantial positive transformation in the region’s agriculture. The entrepreneurs venturing into the field of Agri-tech can find a good market of opportunities in Jammu and Kashmir. This endeavour offers the opportunity to diversify the economy, reduce dependency on volatile sectors, and create employment avenues. Moreover, this startup can address pressing agricultural challenges, enhance productivity, and increase farmers’ income. Embracing sustainability aligns with global trends and positions your venture as an eco-friendly and responsible contributor to the agricultural landscape in the region.

Strategies to encash the real treasure of Agri Tech Startups 

The younger entrepreneurs venturing into Agri-tech startups need to take these suggestions and inputs in consideration for the growth and development of their ventures. First and foremost is skill, creativity and out-of-the-box mindset. Gather adequate knowledge and expertise essential for the venture and understand the need and applications of above mentioned untapped opportunities in the field. Furthermore, try to develop partnerships, connections and engagements with the associations, institutes, Incubators and government agencies for the concerned field as they can be an invaluable source of support and resources, enhancing the prospectus of success. Also, seeking funds from government schemes and private investors interested in supporting Agri-tech ventures and securing the necessary capital pivotal for the growth of the startup. Lastly, craft the Agri-tech solutions that are economically and practically accessible to the farming community aligning with their unique requirements and aspirations.


 Agri-tech startups have the potential to transform agriculture in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. These startups can contribute to the economic development of the Union Territory and improve the livelihoods of the farming community. Also, the convergence of Agri-tech startups and precision farming practices promises a brighter future for the farmer community, the Union Territory, and entrepreneurs in Jammu & Kashmir. As these innovative practices are embraced, the region can emerge as a beacon of how technology can transform traditional agriculture, ushering in a new era of prosperity and development.

There are a number of incubators in India to support Agri-tech startups but in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, SKUAST Kashmir Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Centre, one of the brands in incubation is working to build up an ecosystem of Agri-Tech based startups by supporting them in every aspect.

Jasir Altaf Haqani has worked with Citigroup in various roles in leading digital strategy and analytics. Currently, he is part of Citigroup’s Innovation lab. He can be reached at


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SKUAST-K launches anticancer functional foods startup



Anticancer functional foods startup

BK News

Srinagar, Dec 22: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir has launched the first-of-its-kind faculty-student startup, ‘Cashmir Biotech Pvt Ltd’, an anticancer functional foods startup, at the Shalimar campus.

The research-driven startup, formulated under the aegis of SKUAST-K Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (SKIIE) Center, aims to design high-value anticancer functional foods from underutilised plants endogenous to Kashmir.

Dr Khalid Z Masoodi, an assistant professor at the SKUAST-K’s Division of Plant Biotechnology, Faculty of Horticulture, along with his two MSc students, Dar Murtaza and Aaqib Hurrah, has founded the startup. Cashmir Biotech has already commercialised its first functional food. Magic Food is considered a safe, non-toxic plant-based futuristic functional food possessing TaxO an anticancer molecule. The startup aims to design high-value functional foods from underutilised edible plants endogenous to the Kashmir Valley.

Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, Prof Nazir Ahmad Ganai, in his address during the launch function, congratulated Dr Khalid Masoodi and his students for building the significant startup. He said there is tremendous potential for such research-based and innovation-led startups, and the rich bioresource-base present in this Himalayan region can be tapped for producing high-value superfoods, nutraceuticals and medicines to strengthen the bioeconomy of J&K He further reiterated that as per NEP 2020 and NISP the faculty members should take the similar initiatives to encourage and guide their students into developing innovation-led startups and create future entrepreneurs. 

Anticancer functional foods startup

Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal, who attended the launch event, stressed the need for similar Agri-based startups to encourage youth to become job providers rather than job seekers. Director Extension SKUAST-K Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, Registrar SKUAST-K Prof Tariq Masoodi, Deputy Commissioner J&K Drug & Food Control Shagufta Jalal, Senior Scientist IIIM Srinagar Dr Shahid Rasool; Dr Syed Nisar, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Dr Malik Sajad Ahmed Associate Professor of Urology at SKIMS and Professor Mohammad Ashraf Bhat, Head Division of Plant Biotechnology and various scientists and officers of the university also attended the function.

Developed by Dr Masoodi and his team, Magic Food is a designer food that harbours an anticancer molecule TaxO. It has been developed from an edible underutilised plant which has been used as food for ages in Kashmir but its use has diminished over time.

While providing details, Dr Masoodi says Magic Food targets the androgen receptor (AR), a key gene involved in prostate cancer. AR is a therapeutic target for most of the medicines available in the market against prostate cancer. AR controls PSA, the main marker for Prostate cancer.

“We are marketing the first line of Magic Food- TaxO, and we propose the use of TaxO as a functional food that can be consumed on daily basis by populations vulnerable to prostate cancer. Director Planning and Monitoring and an Expert in Food Science and Technology, Prof Haroon Naik, in his address, highlighted the need for the consumption of functional foods for the prevention of different diseases which have emerged in our population due to changes in food habits.

Magic Food was recently highlighted in the introductory documentary of Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India in its Kashmir Expo Startup for Livelihood. Magic Food got attention from various foreign markets as well. “However, instead of selling the technology, our Vice-Chancellor took the lead under the Government of India’s Make in India, Innovate India and Self-Reliant India initiatives to make way for the first faculty-student startup of the university,” said Masoodi.

Cashmir Biotech Pvt Ltd is incubated at SKIIE Centre, SKUAST-K under NEP-2020 and NISP for commercialising Magic Food.

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